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Search web pages and assets by keywords

Basic search

Keywords to find

Search options

Find any keyword

Find all keywords

Find all keywords if nearby

Find exact phrase

More results

Less results


Keywords to find

Enter one word or several words separated by space in the field.
Punctuation characters and parenthesis, hyphen, etc. are word separators as well.
A searched word must have at least 3 letters.

You can use an asterisk * at the end of a word as wildcard. If you enter house*, the search engine will find web pages or assets containing house or houses. An asterisk inside a word or at the begining of the word is ignored.

For assets the words are searched in the following Tags : Description (including localized forms), Author, Username (including localized forms), Category-class, Category-region, Category-era, Kind, Kuid

Search options

Find any keyword :
you will get items (web pages or assets) containing at least one of the words you enter. This option produce the greater numbers of results.

Find all keywords :
you will get items containing all the words you enter in any place of the content. This option produce less results than the previous.

Find all keywords if nearby :
you will get items containing all the words you enter if they are not far from each other in the content. This option produce less results than the previous.

Find exact phrase :
you will get items containing the exact phrase you enter (more or less because of technical limitations). This option, which gives the least results, is suitable for very targeted searches.

Limits :

The keywords you enter must be well spelled. The search engine will not search for close words or words that sound like the word you enter. Howewer you can use the wilcard * at the end of a word (see above)

The shorts words (3 characters or less) are not indexed.

The searched words are not translated in any language by the search engine.
If you enter 'maison' as searched word (which is the french word for 'house'),
the search engine will not find content with "house" inside.

The search engine don't search for synonym. If you search 'home', you will not get results containing 'house'. As a consequence, maybe not so intuitive, you can find only words that authors (of assets or of web pages) have used. If authors never use 'home' but use 'house' instead, the search for 'home' will bring back nothing. You should search instead for 'home house' with the first option 'Find any keyword'

Advanced search

Keywords to exclude

  • Exclude those keywords from results

Filters for web pages

  • Keep only pages with assets to download
  • Keep only pages from sites whose language is
  • Keep only sites that mostly offer assets from this region

Filters for assets

  • Keep only assets from web sites whose language is
  • Keep only assets whose kind and/or category class are
  • Keep only assets whose category region is
  • Keep only assets where min & max category era are
  • Keep assets where the filtered tags above are not defined


Use the filters in this section to reduce the number of results.

Keywords to exclude

Enter in the field one or more words separated by space. The search engine will exclude pages and assets containing at least on of those words.

Filters for web pages

Filter Keep only pages with assets to download :

If checked, the search engine will exclude web pages without asset to download inside.

Filter Keep only pages from sites whose language is :

The search engine will keep only pages from web sites where the selected language is available.

Filter Keep only sites that mostly offer assets from this region :

The search engine will keep only pages from sites providing assets for the selected region (as defined in the tag Category-region of the assets).

Filters for assets

Filter Keep only assets from web sites whose language is :

The search engine will keep only assets from web sites where the selected language is available.

Filter Keep only assets whose kind and/or category class are :

the search engine will keep only assets with the content of the tag Kind equals to the value selected.

The same for the category class.

You can select only kind, only category class or both.
When a kind is selected, the categories class that cannot give a result,
according to the content of the data base,
are greyed and not selectable in the categories class list.

Filter category region :

The search engine will keep only assets
with Category-region equals to the value selected.

Filter period of time :

The search engine will keep only assets
with Category-era values between the min and the max selected.
If no min is selected and a max is selected, min will be 1800s. If no max is selected and a min is selected, max will be 2010s.

Keep in results the assets where the filtered tags above are not defined :

if you define a filter, the search engine will not keep assets where the value for this filter is not defined. For example if you select a region, the search engine will ignore assets whith the tag category region missing or empty. On the contrary, if you check this box, the search engine will keep those assets.

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