Subscription are closed.
The site will close on 16 December 2025.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the site over the years.
Search assets by kuid
Enter the kuids to search
Your search history dashboard
0 kuid(s) ; 0 hidden ; max is 300 kuids
KuidNewNb sitesNb DLSNb Built-InNb quoted
You must login and be a subscriber to enjoy all the functionnalities of the kuids search dashboard
One click on a row to select
Double click on a row to display the details below
The search dashboard contains the list of kuids you need to search.
The dashboard is persistent accross sessions. In this way you can populate your dashboard with all the kuids that are missing and work with this list for several days.
You feed you dashboard by submitting a single new kuid or a list of new kuids in the section 'Feed your dashboard'.
The new kuids are added at the top of the list.
As soon as you submit new kuids, the dashboard count for each kuid
the number of copies found in third party web sites, on the DLS, in built-in assets,
and the number of web pages where the kuid is quoted.
This process is automated and work in background. You can use all the site and do whatever you want while it is running.
It can take a few minutes to handle all new kuids depending of the size of your list.
This process is also triggered if the data base version change, in order to refresh the dashboard with the new data.
You can clean your dashboard by removing one or several kuids. See the section 'Manage your dashboard' below.
The small hands ☛ and ☚ arround the kuid in the 'Kuid' column show that the details of the results for this kuid are currently displayed in the table of results below. The fitting row has this background color
This background color show the last row you have selected.
The column 'New' contains a star ★ if you did not display yet the details of the table of search results for this kuid.
The columns 'Nb sites', 'Nb DLS' and 'Nb Built-In' contain the number of copies of the kuid found in data base and the column 'Nb quoted' contains the number of web pages where this kuid is quoted found in third party sites.
Empties cells means that the dashboard did not process yet those cells.
One click on a row to select a kuid. See the section 'Manage your dashboard' for the actions applying to the selected kuid.
Double click on a row to display the details in the table of search results below.
The dashboard can contain up to 300 kuids.
When this number is reached, you must clean you dashboard before to add more kuids. See the section 'Manage your dashboard'.
The dashboard is persistent accross sessions. In this way you can populate your dashboard with all the kuids that are missing and work with this list for several days.
You feed you dashboard by submitting a single new kuid or a list of new kuids in the section 'Feed your dashboard'.
The new kuids are added at the top of the list.
As soon as you submit new kuids, the dashboard count for each kuid
the number of copies found in third party web sites, on the DLS, in built-in assets,
and the number of web pages where the kuid is quoted.
This process is automated and work in background. You can use all the site and do whatever you want while it is running.
It can take a few minutes to handle all new kuids depending of the size of your list.
This process is also triggered if the data base version change, in order to refresh the dashboard with the new data.
You can clean your dashboard by removing one or several kuids. See the section 'Manage your dashboard' below.
The small hands ☛ and ☚ arround the kuid in the 'Kuid' column show that the details of the results for this kuid are currently displayed in the table of results below. The fitting row has this background color
This background color show the last row you have selected.
The column 'New' contains a star ★ if you did not display yet the details of the table of search results for this kuid.
The columns 'Nb sites', 'Nb DLS' and 'Nb Built-In' contain the number of copies of the kuid found in data base and the column 'Nb quoted' contains the number of web pages where this kuid is quoted found in third party sites.
Empties cells means that the dashboard did not process yet those cells.
One click on a row to select a kuid. See the section 'Manage your dashboard' for the actions applying to the selected kuid.
Double click on a row to display the details in the table of search results below.
The dashboard can contain up to 300 kuids.
When this number is reached, you must clean you dashboard before to add more kuids. See the section 'Manage your dashboard'.
Manage your dashboard